
Showing posts from April, 2020

Silence - A Powerful tool

SILENCE – A Powerful Tool Are you silent person?                            Yes Do you count it as your weakness?         Yes No, my friend, it is your seamless power. “Do not mistake quietness for weakness. Evil is often better addressed in silence “                                                                 -Naide P Obiang When you face critical situations, then silence is the best way to get out of it. And loudness is one’s Achilles heel. “Be silent, not to avoid conflict, but to get peace” A peaceful human being can outperform. With your peace you can buy the peace for all. And it is a kind of melody through this everyone who surrounds you can look for positive energy. Spontaneous a...

Success Vs Money

#thinkwithveenu What is Success - A BIG BIG Question Everyone of us wants to be successful but very few of us know the true meaning of success. Is success getting money only ? It may be true to some extent. Then question is why every wealthy man is not successful. For me, Success is – as long as you take your own decisions. Success comes when you run on your own and no one is behind you.  Success is creating your own story . It’s the reason behind that Lion is king of forest. “ What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us “ - Ralph Waldo There is very beautiful example from Mahabharata: In days of Gurukul, due to storm light went off. Arjun was looking for his brother Bhim and what he noticed that in such darkness , Bhim is getting food from Kitchen. When Arjun asked Bhim , How could he find food in such darkness? Friends, you shall be astonished with his answer. Bhim Answered- “ Brother, If you Pr...